понедельник, 13 июля 2015 г.

Some blogs never die

Alright, my dear non-existent readers, it's been a while. You see, on the one hand, I've been busy, and on the other hand, I just didn't want to say a thing. Well, today I decided that there are certain words I should wright on subjects that've been taking my attention for the last months. Maybe, I will find time to make a full entries on some of them, however, now I will just quickly throw at you some headlines and give some thoughts.

First of all, Avengers came out in April, and I must confess, but I just couldn't get nor first, neither second film. Somehow, movies so big couldn't present something very memorable, or give the atmosphere. Just a bunch of guys kicking asses of bunch of aliens/robots/insert correct answer. Yet I don't give my hopes on Ant-man (In ghettos it will be released as "Ain't-man"), as more stand-alone Marvel products such as Guardians of the Galaxy or Daredevil tend to be artistic success.

As we are on the subject of Netflix's Marvel's Stan Lee's own Daredevil™ all rights reserved (more jokes here), maybe it is not the best thing you've ever seen, but it really shows progress in terms of portraying Russians (now half of them speaks fluent Russian!) and messing up love lines. However, the thing is very decent. I enjoyed watching it, but the pacing seems uneven as it is suddenly rockets in the last episode, which makes all trials and tribulations of the titular hero look somehow empty and meaningless. And the way villains were going down reminds me of a Guy Ritchie movie.

I regularly watch a number of TV shows, and I don't want or have nothing to say about most of them, except that Game of Thrones is spoiling them. Well, not directly, of course, but certain manner of (more or less) sudden death of leading characters is making it's way into more and more series. As for the Game of Thrones itself, I surprisingly find it very faded and boring in comparison to it's first two seasons. The episode eight was an example of what we (I, at least) do want to see, but the rest of the season can be described as "meh". However, it seems like the next one will shake things up a little, so not all hope is lost.

If you want an example of a good series or miniseries to pleasantly waste your precious time, never look further BBC's Original Drama section, as you might find the finest arguments proving that TV series are, in fact, a form of art. Second season of Broadchurch is good example of well done character- and story-driven narrative. Other aspects are highlighting the overall show's superiority, but that's not really the most outstanding thing I've encountered for the past months and, possibly, my most favorite experience for the whole year in terms of television. That is "Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel", a miniseries adaptation of Susanna Clark's book of the same name. To describe my satisfaction I just say that the only it's flaw is it's shortness, as I can't stop craving for more.

"What, you don't do anything but sit on your ass and watch some series and movies?", you might ask. Well, of course not. I also sit on my ass and play videogames on my PC! The news from this sphere are not so exciting, but some things have to be said. For example, me and my friend almost finished playing Divinity: Original Sin. We started about half a year ago, but we played 70 hours or so, and we didn't touch it for a couple of months, but, you know, it's good to be playing TBS RPG in COOP.

Payday 2 is releasing a heist every two months, and they don't seem to be stopping or releasing Payday 3 anytime soon. So now I sometimes stream some ridiculous attempts to do stealth with randoms on my twitch channel. Why I'm mentioning this? Well, not because I'm promoting myself (duh). GTA V was released on PC! You've waited for so long, and it was nice to play campaign again, but if you want to play online, you've got to wait some more. Much more. And heists... Let's say, "Payday" made heists look better and more interesting. Well, not Golden Grin Casino, but others.

At first, I was really cautious about Witcher 3. Now, in short, I have more than 55 hours played and I'm waiting for DLCs to play again with attention to every sidequest, not the main story solely.

Batman: Arkham Knight also was released. On my low-end PC it ran pretty fine, so I could enjoy playing it. I threw in jail everyone, except damn Riddler, but then they broke broken PC version even further and I started experiencing crash after crash. Yet, I really got much to say about it and I don't want to spoil my own pleasure.

Finally, music. I guess I never talked much about music in this blog. But what is there really to say? Well, Muse issued new album, very fine one, reminds me much about Black Holes and Revelations. They came in Russia during tour to present it on the Park Live festival. Glorious concert it was, but I was really surprised by another band called Triggerfinger. Go listen their tracks now, they are very good.

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