среда, 11 марта 2015 г.

Game view - Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - 10 hours of Ultra-Violence

In the world where the word "Cinematic" has become a defining quality of games, it always good to see games with accent on gameplay, atmosphere and certain style. That's why I so fond of small game studios and publisher - unlike the big names, they're providing products made with love and without crap like "Next-gen visual OMFG look at those graphics so realistic we are just dropping every other aspect altogether". It is especially pleasing to find something with old school values - so was the first Hotline Miami with pixel visuals, quick reaction tempo and perfect soundtrack to get into the killing mood. Despite lacking the plot as it is, with pieces of story here and there, the gory game is totally worth playing and even replaying, as the way to pass the level varies in dependence of the mask you are choosing. Long story short, 10/10, oh my.

But what about the second one? Actually, changes are huge, so let's get into it step by step.

This time, we have quite a number of protagonists. And, yes, now there's a plot! A lot of dialogues! Though we're lucking masks this time, now variety is provided by individual perks of each character. There's even one who allows you NOT to kill enemies to pass the level, although you're still have to knock them out. On the other hand, it really narrows a list of strategies to use. And though plot is seemingly moves in some direction, it doesn't lead to any certain ending. Some storylines are cut in the middle, some look very unnecessary. The plot is mostly the set of stories, and we almost never see them cross or merge with each other. Game feels short and unfinished

Soundtrack, very important part of the first game, now became much bigger (49 tracks!). The music is faster, the melodies have progressions, so these a not just 2-3 parts cycling during 3 min. However, they don't give the mood now, and they're not so memorable. I can't remember a single tune already, however it's been only a few hours since I finished playing, meanwhile the tracks from the first game are in my memory for good.

I should mention level design as well. There are a lot of open spaces now, and I mean A LOT. With little places to hide. Though it increases difficulty, I consider this move cheap and don't like it, as it really leads to exploiting covers and AI.

However, all the main things are still there: hundreds of corpses, blood all over the place, quick and reflexive gameplay. Increased number of weapon (including machinegun, sniper rifle and flamethrower), unique perks like shooting from two hands or even playing as two character at once provide a rare opportunity to unleash an inner animal and get drown into pure digital violence. 8/10, go play it.

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