понедельник, 12 января 2015 г.

Movie view - "Gone girl": be gone and stay gone!

Best movie of the year, they said. You will like it, they said. It's a mind FCK, they said, but eventually you'll understand how it is great, they said.

Well, no. Bullshit. "Gone girl" is not a good movie, it's not better than "Interstellar" and it's way worse than "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Maybe, the main problem is wrong format - it appears, that creators (and Fincher himself) wanted it to be a TV mini serial, but none of the cable networks bought it. Well, it's their loss, they should've, it would be a great one. Instead we got pretty boring film with speed up here and their, and it feels raw and unfinished.

Maybe, it's shallowness of some characters. The detective lady is interesting, but is underdeveloped and not presented much. She expresses certain doubt about events, but her mood swing in the middle can be explained only by her periods. All this could be solved by making a mini serial, as I said. Ben Affleck's wife, although is presented as cold hearted bitch and ingenious criminal mastermind, makes the stupidest choices and mistakes (it's about time to be emotional while playing golf after escaping from abusive husband and being unemotional through the movie!)

The plot itself if not very satisfying and looks strange at places, despite general quality of main idea. For example, the damn lawyer came and said: "We go to the police and telling them about barn and your mistress (stupid word for lover in affair)",  and a couple days later BAM! it hits them in their own backs and the lawyer looks surprised. Well why is that, you dumb fuck? You didn't expect this? Well, you predicted it earlier, didn't you? This crap is not why you are being payed $100k! Shit, this movie enrages me!

And you know, the worst point of all this madness is the ending. Yes, we all know that the bitch is crazy and you should keep as far from her as possible and her place is in jail, but no. She won, outsmarted everyone. You can cry about it under the table and deal with it. So much bullshit, I can't even express this.

Haven't been so outraged about good idea performed bad since I watched "In time", but at least nobody praises the latter.

Well, I can't deny brilliant soundtrack and good visuals. Main idea is also magnificent. Too bad it so poorly performed.

At least I know why Affleck looks so miserable on this picture from "Batman vs Superman". I hope it won't suck that much!

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