четверг, 5 февраля 2015 г.

All the fallen TV series

What a cruel world we are living in. Everyone is so desperate to get on top, many of others are falling down into the oblivion. It is Darwinism, as you can call it, but how does the brightest and best are appearing between unsuccessful ones? Why so many awesome TV shows are getting canceled, while some truly despicable are still running?

Oh, Firefly! I guess only the laziest haven't praised your episodes and mourned your short life, so I better move on, cause I don't really have much to add.
Oh, The Cape! In dark times before superheroes were mainstream you gave us what Arrow and Flash are giving us now - entertainment! Original, fresh and underestimated, the world wasn't ready for your spectacular story and great cast, and the voices of geeks was not loud enough to keep your on the air. Rest in peace, you magnificent TV comic book we didn't deserve.
Oh, Flashforward! You've been called overcomplicated and silly and not intresting, but you are none of it. All the intersected plot lines and the general Sci-Fi component was promising. You were the son of Lost, but bigger and more philosophical with the promise of the adequate finale at one point in the future. Such a shame it was to see your fall from the cliff you were hanging from, taking all the answers along with you. May you rest in peace.
Oh, Almost Human! So young and so promising, you were another sci-fi show, this time shining on us with an Asimov light. Laying ground for a very huge story, introducing such a marvelous ideas, you yet couldn't convince the world and the producers to keep you running. Such a sad, sad story of another geek joy descend. I will miss your body-cop-robot jokes and futuristic atmosphere with a hint of reflecting of modern moral and problems. Rest in peace.