пятница, 28 ноября 2014 г.

Movie view - Interstellar (or Interholar?)

I'll just put it up front - 8/10. Not the Inception, not the Kubrick, but it's still Nolan brothers and it is still great movie and you absolutely should watch it. Now let's break it down into it's positive and negative moments.

Nolan is the greatest director alive and at work. Put these words into frame and hang it above your desk or make a screensaver out of it, but don't you dare to forget it or argue with it. There's no other man who can make regular people, nerds and others piss themselves with the same movie. I know that he is not ideal, but who is? I just glad that he is good enough. He bravely opens new movie frontiers like an amateur art house artist but he do it professionally and Hollywood approves his works. His brother, Jonathan, is always supports him in every step, as well as he is the one who must be thanked for creation of Person of Interest series, so bless you both.

The film starts with Nolan's favorite flash-forward scene. In this case, it's a fragment of documentary... and if you saw at least one trailer, you momentarily know how film will ends. Yeah, like starving people in the future have time, reason and possibility to make a documentary of how humanity have been extincting for all these years. It's kinda minors a tension, you know. As a matter of fact, the whole first part of a movie is a little off for me. There are quite dull dialogs, like the one McConaighey has with his father-in-law on the porch, as they don't even seem to be talking about the same thing, there are just epic speeches by both of them. It's more of monologs. Some of scenes are just comedic, and the others are lacking of purpose. For example, the cornfield chase, which I remembered only after looking into the OST and finding there a track of the same name. And surprisingly, no one seem to remember it at first, as this one is so unnecessary. You can easily cut it off and lose nothing, as all ideas of it are expressed better in other scenes.

You can get really bored by the time the heroes leave Earth, but it is worth the waiting. As soon as spaceship lifts off, shit get's real. I got so immerse, I actually lost a count of time, and it really could have been 23 years and I could've perceive them as one hour. Visuals are great, science is presented interestingly, story goes in right pace, all plot turns are smartly innuended and perfectly performed later. However, some aspects still provoke certain questions. Like, what was the purpose of the beard guy? He just died on this waves planet, and they seem to neglect the fact that he was onboard in the first place. Also, mad Matt Damon character is kinda badly presented, as he doesn't seem to be this mad and irrational as he should've be to perform such actions and still he does. Also my personal complaint, as a Kerbal Space Program player, is lacking of time-space coordinates throughout this section, as we never clearly get how planets are placed respectively to each other and the black hole, as well as it never mentioned how long exactly did it take for them to move between them.

And here we go into the last part as film goes into the black hole. Though I felt like movie is acting like I'm a kindergarten kid who can't add two and two, I must say that it was very clever making and explaining of timeloop. And I can't express my nerdgasm by viewing the projection of 5-dimensional space into our regular 4-dimensions, it was just incredible. Real satisfaction. And I completely don't mind, as I find it called in the internet, the 'Doctor Who' ending, cause this film and it's heroes totally deserved one.

So, that what I think about it. As I said, movie is great, and all holywars are proving it further, as no insegnificant thing can cause it. If you are willing, I can join a "physics death battle" in the comments in case there will be one, as there are a lot to discuss in very angry manner. But make sure you saw the film first.

P.S. If you didn't get it, I called the movie 'Interholar' because they not travel from star to star but from wormHOLE to blackHOLE (HA!)